Embracing the Writer’s Grind

What Happened When I Wrote an Article Every Day for 300 Days Straight

How I Keep the Streak Alive

Nimish Jalan
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2023


Eve Arnold is one of the most popular creators going around on Medium at the moment.

Her claim to fame?

In the last three years, she has managed to…

By her admission, it took her 3 years before anyone cared or noticed her work.

That’s god-like consistency.

I’ve been writing for less than a year and managed to publish 300+ articles in a single streak.

I have never been this consistent with any habit apart from, say, brushing my teeth.

My lower-than-expected engagement numbers, followers, etc., drain my energy and my will to continue writing.

However, only after writing for so long have I truly realised the challenges of walking this path.

It was my lack of experience, rose-tinted glasses, and a new domain that kept me believing I was different and that building an audience would be a cakewalk.

Let me tell you, it isn’t.

But then doing easy tasks doesn’t give you disproportionate results. Doing hard tasks does.

So, if you’re a newbie aspiring to build an audience, here’s my experience of writing every day for 300 days.

  • It is a forever game.
  • You learn to deal with failures better.
  • You become numb to your follower count.
  • Your expectations and reality align ONLY after you put in the work.
  • Most popular creators spent years doing the same thing before they got any recognition.

Writing on the internet is lonely since there’s a lot of shouting in the void before you get noticed or found.

On tough days, I remind myself that most people give up when the going gets tough, and consistent action helps you overtake the majority.

I hope this article prepares you rather than scares you from getting on this bandwagon.

Because when you do, it helps you manage your emotions and actions better.

Whenever you’re ready.

If you’d like to elevate your writing and capture your audience’s attention as I am, I encourage you to check out the Ultimate Headline Toolkit*.

It will help you craft compelling headlines and increase your readership.

*If you buy this toolkit, I’d receive a small affiliate commission for no additional cost to you.



Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)