The Hermetic Philosophy: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Seven Universal Laws

Raquel Parker
The Taoist Online
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2023


“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”

— The Kybalion

Image: Cathedral (Siena) — Floors/Hermes Trismegistus‎

Since the beginning of time, humanity has striven to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos, seeking to understand the nature and purpose of existence in this world. Hermetic philosophy is one of the most interesting and challenging philosophical systems that has developed throughout history. The seven Hermetic laws are at the centre of this tradition, a collection of universal principles that unveil significant truths about the basic laws of the world.

These laws are portrayed in their essence in the book “The Kybalion,” a work that has attracted the imagination of readers over time, giving a vast and intriguing look into Hermetic secrets.

1. Principle of Mentalism

The first of the Hermetic laws is the Principle of Mentalism. This law requires us to acknowledge the mind’s power in the creation of reality. The notion that everything is mind may appear bold, but when we study the significance of thoughts and ideas in our life, we realise that we are co-creators of the world around us. Understanding and controlling our thoughts may impact our experiences and pave the way for development as individuals.

2. Principle of Correspondence

The second law, the Principle of Correspondence, shows that there is a significant relationship between the many levels and dimensions of reality. This connection inspires us to investigate the fundamental unity of all that exists, to recognise that the microcosm mirrors the macrocosm, and that the principles that govern the cosmos appear in our own particular experience.

3. Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration, the third in the series, highlights that everything is in continual motion and emits a unique vibrational frequency. This energy manifests itself in our ideas, emotions, and even matter. Knowing this law allows us to tune into higher frequencies, increasing our vitality and broadening our perception.

4. Polarity

The fourth Hermetic law, Polarity, provides us with the realisation that balance is found in the harmony of opposites. Duality is a component of our human experience, and we discover completeness by accepting both light and darkness. We may transcend judgment and achieve a place of harmony in our lives by accepting the polarities.

5. Rhythm

Rhythm, the fifth law, tells us that everything moves in cycles. Life has a rhythm, just as the seasons come and go and the water ebbs and flows. Recognising these rhythms allows us to accept and flow with unavoidable changes, resulting in better harmony with the flow of the cosmos.

6. Cause and Effect

The sixth law, Cause and Effect, is a reminder that every action has a consequence. Nothing happens by chance; each decision we make results in a corresponding reaction. Understanding our own responsibility helps us to behave with wisdom and authority, constantly pursuing happiness and personal improvement.

7. Gender Principle

And finally, the Gender Principle reminds us that both masculine and feminine aspects are present in all things. It is a universal force that pervades all elements of existence, not merely a biological differentiation. Recognising this divine union of opposites helps us in balancing and integrating diverse aspects of ourselves.

As we contemplate these seven Hermetic laws, we are invited to delve into the mysteries of the universe and our own nature. They challenge us to transcend the limitations of the material world and explore the subtle dimensions of existence. By applying these principles in our lives, we can awaken to the awareness of our connection to the cosmos and experience a path of self-transformation and self-discovery.

The book “The Kybalion” offers a gateway to these universal truths, inviting us to explore the Hermetic secrets that have endured the test of time. Its thought-provoking content challenges us to expand our horizons and question the boundaries of conventional knowledge. By embracing these Hermetic laws, we may discover a new understanding of ourselves and the vast universe we live.

“Oh! Let not the flame be extinguished!
Sustained from century to century
In this dark cavern,
In this sacred temple!
Upheld by pure ministers of love!
Let not this divine flame be extinguished!”

— Edward Carpenter



Writer who delves into diverse themes, drawing from spirituality for deep emotional connection through profound words.